====== 10 reasons to avoid soda, including diet soda ====== Fizzy drinks are widely consumed by millions of people around the world. Despite their well-known harm to he alth and the body, many people continue to consume them every day in large quantities. To try to reduce the number of people consuming fizzy drinks, we're going to outline the reasons why you shouldn't drink them. You prevent the body from receiving nutrients Essential nutrients that are indispensable for the body are hindered by drinking carbonated beverages. Many people replace the daily intake of fresh fruit and vegetable juices with carbonated drinks, which not only do not bring anything useful to the body, but also interfere with the absorption of important elements. [[https://allourparents.com/24278703-10-reasons-to-avoid-soda-including-diet-soda|10 reasons to avoid soda, including diet soda]]